Sick Go Away Synergy Roller

Rp 100.000,00

Helps to boost immune system. Suitable for people who feel under the weather.

How to use:
Roll onto behind of the earlobes, the spine, and sole of the feet. Apply on your neck if you have itchy throat. Apply on bug bites to reduce itchiness.

Organic golden jojoba oil, Fractionated coconut oil, 3% essential oil blend, d-alpha tocopherol

Essential oil blend:
Cinnamon Leaf, Clove Stem, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Pregnant women are advised to consult medical practitioner before use.
May not suitable for kids under 10.

In stock


Esential Oil Imunitas Tubuh dari Klen and Kind. Campuran essential oil organik yang dilarutkan dengan minyak golden jojoba organik, fractionated coconut oil, dan d-alpha tocopherol (vitamin e).

Campuran essential oil:
Eucalyptus Globulus, Rosemary, Lemon, Frankincense (serrata), Cinnamon Leaf, Clove Stem, Oregano.

Esential oil ini membantu meningkatkan imunitas tubuh agar lebih bugar dan tidak mudah sakit dan tidak meninggalkan noda.

Cara pemakaian:
Oleskan Sick, Go away Synergy Roller Esential Oil Imunitas Tubuh pada pergelangan tangan, dahi, leher, perut, dan telapak kaki. Dapat dioleskan di bantal atau pakaian karena tidak meninggalkan noda.

Kadaluarsa: 1-2 tahun

Volume: 10 ml

#minyakesential  #minyakesensialorganik #esentialoilimunitastubuh


Helps to boost immune system. Suitable for people who feel under the weather.

How to use:
Roll onto behind of the earlobes, the spine, and sole of the feet. Apply on your neck if you have itchy throat. Apply on bug bites to reduce itchiness.

Organic golden jojoba oil, Fractionated coconut oil, 3% essential oil blend, d-alpha tocopherol

Essential oil blend:
Cinnamon Leaf, Clove Stem, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Pregnant women are advised to consult medical practitioner before use.
May not suitable for kids under 10.

#essentialoils #essentialoil #essentialoilorganik #organicessentialoil

Additional information

Weight50 g


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